musings of an outdoorsman

My gear is ready to load

Ugggh! That was painful. I had something completely typed out and I lost it all. Save, save, save. I should know better by now. How frustrating. Okay, let’s try and recreate it.

As I was saying, before my computer decided to hick up and lost everything I had typed, I feel like I have all the gear I want to take packed and ready to go. I don’t exactly own a lot of gear to begin with, so packing was an easy affair. Although, I have to admit, every time I take a trip, there’s always the temptation of buying gear. Of course, I always seem to talk myself out of it and every time everything turns out all right without it. My way of reasoning goes something like this. “In over fifty years have I ever needed that piece of equipment? No? Then what makes me think I, all of a sudden, need it now?” That usually walks me back off the ledge of buying stuff I don’t need.

Tomorrow, I load the truck that is going to Montana ahead of me. Loading the truck just makes my impending move to Montana that much more real.

As far as getting my affairs in order here at home, I’m pretty much squared away. I’m sure, while I’m gone, things will pop-up I wasn’t expecting, but I’ll manage those situations as they present themselves. Boy, that sure brings to mind an incident that occurred the last time I was in Montana.

Back in late 2020, while I was in Montana, I received a rather frantic phone call. It appears the street that allows access to my home was blocked off by police. The hills behind where I live were on fire and there was a very good chance anyone living where I live would have to be evacuated. Oh, the helpless feeling of being so far away and not being able to do anything. I was stuck in this twilight zone sort of moment as I was being told over the phone what was going on. Eek! Even now, as I recollect the event, I can drum up the feelings I felt back then. That was a scary moment. Fortunately, everything turned out okay, but I digress.

I’m feeling pretty good about my gear. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. The sooner I can get the truck loaded, the sooner I can get that off my plate and hangout with my kids for the last couple of days.

Freestone Fly shop

This isn't my Brown Trout

but I’m going to leave this royalty free image here for inspiration, until I can replace the picture with one of my own.