musings of an outdoorsman

A beautiful section of river hidden behind a park

What an amazing night sleep I had. For the first time since I arrived, last night was the first night my allergies didn’t act up. Boy, I sure did sleep well. Along that same vein, my allergies really didn’t bother me today. Hmmm! Hopefully it stays like this, because it really is the first pleasant non-allergy day I’ve experienced.

After spending the morning prepping some gear at the yard, it was time to hit the water. For whatever reason, I decided to explore the town a bit more and drive back through areas I have not been to before. Hamilton sure is a pretty town. Somehow, I made my way back to an area that had a park I was not aware of.

“Whoa! check this park out right on the river’s edge. I’m definitely checking this out,” I thought to myself as I turned into the gravel parking lot.

“Damn, it’s cold outside,” I think as I reach for my jacket. “Eeesh, I’m going to have to double layer.”

For a few seconds I stand there looking at my fishing gear, one hand on the open rear door of the minivan. “Nah, I’m not doing it,” I think to myself as I shut the door leaving my fishing gear inside. “I’m going to just explore and scout this area.

Making my way down the path toward the riverbank, I cut across the velvet like green grass. As I near the riverbank I began to encapsulate what lays in front of me. No words can describe it and no picture can do it justice, though I tried taking one from different angles. I continue walking along the riverbank and the scenery just keeps getting prettier and prettier. “How in the world did I miss this the last time I was here?” I ask myself.

“Hello?” I answer the phone. “Yes, this is he. Great I’ll see you in about twenty-five minutes.” I received a phone call from a property owner down in Darby. Looks like I’ll be moving out of my hotel and into a house. After having discovered this place, I’m not sure I want to leave. Sure, it’s only twenty minutes away, but if I stay here, it’s only two minutes away. Then again, I really want to cook. I can’t do that out of a hotel… Darby, here I come.


Freestone Fly shop

This isn't my Brown Trout

but I’m going to leave this royalty free image here for inspiration, until I can replace the picture with one of my own.